How to transfer sai brushes into sai 2 brushes custom
How to transfer sai brushes into sai 2 brushes custom

how to transfer sai brushes into sai 2 brushes custom

open up the folder in which your texture pack was downloaded into.Open up the folder called ‘brushtex’ and highlight and copy all of the items in it.Go back to your downloads and open up the folder called PaintToolSai.Open up your brushtex folder and press paste.How do you save brushes in Paint Tool SAI? first go to the place you put your sai in or where you had it installed.go to a folder called toolnrm and open it you will see files with.if you want to back up all your brushes save that folder or the files inside it ,if you want a specific brush.ġ.Launch PaintTool SAI installer for full installation.Reinstall your software license certificate again if you have license for SAI.How do I transfer Sai 1 brushes to SAI 2? Go to the folder where SAI is and open up a separate window for SAI 2.

How to transfer sai brushes into sai 2 brushes custom